How To Inject Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Injection (hCG) for infertility What Is hCG?

Human chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is among those fabulously fickle hormones.
It's not like more well-known female hormoneslike estrogen and progesterone but
it's never there, hanging out within your body
loss in various amounts.
It is typically made of cells that are found in the placenta. This makes it
special for pregnancy.
Your body creates high levels progesterone through the hormone hCG. This can
help keep your pregnancy going. If it's been several weeks since your ovulated
and you're now pregnant, it's possible to detect hCG in your urine and blood.
Riverfront MD is actually an on the internet source for HCG products. And now,
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riverfront md?
While hCG is produced naturally during pregnancy, it can also be used as a
treatment for certain conditions. (Market forms of hCG are derived by the urine
of pregnant women!)
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved uses for hCG , which
differ for females and males, but it can be employed as a fertility treatment
for both.
The purpose of hCG injections
Female fertility
The FDA accepts hCG injections as a way to treat female infertility. If you
have trouble conceiving then your physician may recommend the hCG injection in
conjunction with other medications like urofollitropin and menotropins to
increase your fertility.
This is due to the fact that hCG may be a luteinizing hormone mimic, a pituitary-produced chemical which stimulates ovulation.
A few fertility problems can be attributed to a woman who is having problems
producing LH. In addition, LH increases ovulation and ovulation is necessary for
pregnancy , it is true that hCG may help out here.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) can also be done. It is possible to prescribe
hCG to increase your chances of having a child.
Male fertility
Men of all ages receive hCG as an injection to address hypogonadism. This is
a condition where the body's body cannot produce testosterone.
The boost in hCG levels can stimulate production of testosterone which may
increase sperm production -- and, consequently, in situations where sperm count
may be low, fertility.
Preparing for the injection
The pharmacy in your area will mail you your doses of hCG in either liquid or
ready-to-mix powder.
If you're given a liquid medicine keep it in the refrigerator - within 3
hours of receiving it from the pharmacy- until you're ready to take it for
Do not inject hCG in the event that it isn't refrigerated. But, liquids that
are cold can cause discomfort so warm it up with your hands before
To inject hCG powder you will need to use your inner chemical chemist to mix
it up with the vials of sterile liquid that came with it.
Before you use the powder, make sure to keep it at ambient temperature. Pull
1 milliliter (or cubic centimeters -- abbreviated "cc" in the Syringe) of the
water out of the vial into a needle and then pour it into the vial holding the
Where are the most suitable places to get injections of hCG?
The doctor might give you your first injection of the hormone hCG. If you
require several injections or require injections at night, your doctor will show
you how to do it yourself. If you are comfortable injecting hCG yourself then
it's best to perform the procedure.
Subcutaneous sites
HCG is typically injected subcutaneously into the layer of fat underneath the
skin and above the muscles. This is good news - fat is your friend and tends to
make the injection fairly painless. The doctor or pharmacist typically will give
you an injection needle of 30 gauge.
Lower abdomen
The most popular site for hCG injection is the lower abdomen. It's a
convenient place to inject, because there's more subcutaneous fat in this area.
Stay in the semi-circle between your belly button and above the pubic region.
Keep your belly button about 1 inch away above your navel.
The front or the outer thigh
Since there is more fat in the outer thigh than any other part of the body, it is another popular location for hCG injections. This makes a subcutaneous injection more comfortable and less painful. Select an injection location that is away from your knee. It should be on the outside, thick part of your thigh.
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