Everything You Need to Learn about Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a term used by dentists to refer to procedures which
improve the appearance but not necessarily the health, of your teeth. In
essence, the majority of cosmetic dental treatments aren't necessary however,
they offer many benefits, including making regular cleaning easier, increasing a
patient's confidence and even reducing the amount of bruxism.
It's important to remember that dental
implant is not a recognised specialty of the College of Dental Surgeons of
British Columbia However, many dentists refer to themselves as Cosmetic Dentists
or experts in this field because they have completed specialized training in one
or more aspects of dentistry that are recognized specialties and are also
considered cosmetic, or non-essential procedures. For instance, a lot of
Cosmetic Dentists also are Orthodontists, specializing in the orthodontic
straightening of teeth.
General Dentistry Versus Cosmetic Dentistry
General Dentistry is the name we use to describe the most common procedures
such as cleanings, root canals, or extractions. All of these procedures are
available at dentist's 123 Dentist clinics. Cosmetic procedures can provide
benefits that can give you and your family an improved smile. But, our primary
goal is to ensure the oral health of our patients.
Cosmetic Procedures: Improvements
There have been many advancements in the field of cosmetic dentist, which has
made it easier, faster and, in many cases, painless. Laser gum treatments and
tooth bleaching are painless and do not require anesthesia. For more complex
procedures, such as implants, we provide sedation and use state-of-the-art
lasers for making precise incisions. Cosmetic procedures have made it possible
to get a flawless smile without anxiety or pain because of their numerous
Your confidence and your smile
What is the reason people opt for dental work that isn't necessarily intended
improve their dental health overall? Quality of life is the solution. Smiles are
essential when it comes to job, your night out with your buddies and, of course,
the most dreaded first date. It's more easy to smile when you feel confident and
happy. Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of smiling every
It's easy to smile if your teeth aren't crooked or stained. A gap that is
unattractive or receding gums can be corrected in almost every case. Imagine
yourself smiling confidently at your potential employer during an interview. Or
a date where you are your most attractive self to the world with no worries
about how you look.
Beyond just removing the need to hide unsightly teeth, Cosmetic Dentistry can
actually provide you with an opportunity to be happy about, and boost your
Specific Treatments
It is possible for dentists to have different opinions on what constitutes a
"cosmetic" procedure from a standard dental
procedure. Here is a list of procedures that are typically thought of as
cosmetic procedures by dentists. Contact us today if you have any questions or
want to know more about the procedures.
Whitening Treatments
There are a few different forms of whitening treatments, from bleaching to
laser treatments that reduce your teeth's brightness by as much as 16 shades.
Learn more about Whitening and get a list of clinics here.
Veneers are exactly how they sound. They are thin porcelain shells attached to the front of the tooth usually in instances where a single tooth or group of teeth have been discoloured more than others, or as a substitute for orthodontics. Our dentists are able to match veneers to real teeth, so you won't even notice that they have changed over the years. This involves removing a portion of your tooth. Once the veneer is removed the veneer will have to be replaced or repaired.
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